No-Code Workflow Automation

Get contracts done faster with automation for gathering approvals, assigning ownership, routing for signature, and more.

Automate your contract workflows and do more business with less busy work.

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Streamline and accelerate your approval workflows with automation
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Standardize processes and increase efficiency without adding headcount
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Do It

Build automated workflows immediately with no formal training or IT support
Intuitive Automation

Build custom, scaleable, end-to-end workflows with just a few clicks

Lexion's no-code automation designer makes creating end-to-end automated workflows simple. Build the workflows that make sense for your business in a matter of minutes—no training or IT required.
Creating a new automated workflow is as simple as choosing to add a trigger, action, or condition
A simple automated workflow sends for finance approval only if contract value is greater than $50,000

Automate everything from contract creation through approval & execution

Lexion can automatically assign task owners, add followers, generate templated contracts, route for approval, send for signature, and more based on deal details or task status changes.

Standardize your processes and ensure critical stakeholder alignment

Automation makes it easy to create and enforce standards for your contract processes, no matter how complex. Never have to worry about who to include or when to send for sign-off again.
A simple automated workflow assigns task ownership according to region
Lexion's insights dashboard helps quantify the value and work of legal

Free up your teams to focus on more strategic and valuable work

With Lexion managing more of your routine administrative tasks, your team can focus on higher value work like negotiating more favorable terms. Be the strategic partner you deserve to be.

Lexion offers loads of ready-made integrations with popular platforms.

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Ready to streamline and automate your deals?